English Post #12 (Final)

 - Lying is a cooperative act because you have to believe the lie for someone to actually lie to you. I personally do agree that you have to believe the lie for someone to lie to you but a person can still lie to your face, you choosing to believe it or not is up to that person. Lying can make us fell better depending on what we are lying about. We could wish that we were better at being certain way, like a better girlfriend for example, so wed lie to make ourselves look better as that. 

- We as a society hate lying and liars because we want the truth... but we are all for it because it can protect people from the truth and not cause drama. Like your wife asks you if this dress makes her look fat, are you going to tell her the truth? Or are you going to be a good husband and tell her that she looks amazing not matter what she wears. I for one do agree that this is something every one does. 

- Some techniques to spot a liar is when a person is: overdetermined in their lie, they start using more formal phrases, will distance themselves from the subject, and if they discredit themselves. Thats some verbal, there are also body language signs: Will look into the eyes a little too much, fake smile, and when people lie they tend to freeze up. These can help so that you can know when someone is lying to you and help you figure out the truth.

-I do agree that lying needs to be preserved because if we don't them we will never know the truth which will lead to distrust in people. One way that I can change to help is to not tell lies and to call people out when they are lying.  I was raised in a household where lying got you grounded or worse, so I try to be a very upfront person and tell people how it is. The more people that do that will stop the lying and it will stop the drama in todays society. 
